Your most important „must have“ Apps for Jolla

Zeichnung-4Just a short collection and I’d be happy about your input in the comments. Headline should be clear. Both, native and Android Apps are allowed, Android apps should be named as such.

Here is my list of what I use the most:

  • Tweetian
  • Twitter for Android (more detailed notifications than Tweetian)
  • Aptoide and F-Droid (Android App markets)
  • Cargo Dock (File Browser, connects to owncloud also)
  • Tor (Torifies Jolla Browser)
  • Power Menu (gives additional menu and reboot option)
  • Owncloud for Jolla (another owncloud integration in early stage)
  • Screenshot
  • Filters (some basic photo editing)
  • MeeCast (Weather)
  • Tidings (RSS reader)
  • Notes
  • Tiny ToDo
  • LLs vPlayer (Videoplayer – incl. YT Download function)
  • YTPlayer (Youtube player)
  • WhatsApp (Android)
  • Skype (Android)
  • WordPress (Android)
  • Tappr (addictive little game)
  • Catan Dice Game (Android)

So far from my side. Now your turn. Hope to read something.

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4 Gedanken zu „Your most important „must have“ Apps for Jolla

  1. To my top app belongs ocNews (ownCloud News/Feed Reader), IRC (an, suprise, IRC client), ownKeepass (reads and write KeePassX password files) and FBReader as necessary Androida app. A nice to have is Movies’me to track and rate movies i have watched and maintain a „to-see“ list. MeeRun is useful for running and Poor Maps for navigating, especially if you are by bike. Also MeeCast is quite nice as wheather station.

    Occasionally useful is TAO Translator (translates via 3 or 4 transaltion services), Quicklist (for shopping lists), SimpleTorch and Flashlight if you need less or more light and finally CodeReader if you want to read an QR code or similar and YTPlayer for this popular Google video platform.

    Since I use apps from OpenRepos I have the Warehouse client installed as well. For Android management KillDroid is necessary to shut off that AlienDalvik when it is eating too much power again.

  2. Thanks. Isn’t FBReader available as native from warehouse?
    (just checked, it is :))
    Yay, TAO is also on my phone, can help in malaysia or indonesia :)) Flashlite is also on my Jolla. Codereader also, whilst til now I didn’t really have an opportunity to use it meaningful…
    Killdroid as far as I see is unnecessary today as Jolla provides Sailfish Utilities now in the store, which allows to restart or kill Dalvik plus another few „tweaks“ for the system.

    Sorry, took some 2 days to release your comment, seemingly my spamfilter filtered english language :)) Need to change this…

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